Our Family

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Stretching Time
Thursday, February 23, 2012
You'll Always Be My Baby
I've had them both on an amazing schedule for the past 3 weeks or so, where they will both take a nap at the same time and nap for a good hour or two.
This week - all of that has been tossed out the window. For some reason Braeden just refuses. I'm not sure what's going on. Is it the week of the full moon? We discussed that in Sunday School this week. Many people think that the full moon really does play into how children act and whether they sleep well.
I don't know what it is at this point - but it needs to get fixed fast. Mommy needs a break! :)
At nighttime, when getting Braeden to sleep I will always hold him and sing him songs until he falls asleep. Well, this week also has been different during this routine. He wants to crawl out of my arms and then fall asleep on the floor. I imagine that this probably means that it is time to graduate to the toddler bed with him. BUT this really big step means that Mommy won't have any babies anymore. And that in itself makes me ball my eyes out.
Yes, I know. I am SOO happy and blessed that they are healthy and growing into beautiful children. But how do you deal with knowing that you can't hold them, rock them and cuddle them for the rest of their lives, like you've been able to do for these few precious months?
I think the saying that your mom always said when you were growing up comes into play here, "I don't care how big you get, you'll always be my baby." You really don't understand it until you have your own babies. And I just have to remember to thank God everyday for each moment I have with them.
After getting Braeden to sleep tonight, Izzy pulled me into her room to show me this new thing she could do. Chris would start reading a page of her book and then she would finish "reading" it. He apparently has read some of the books so many times that she has started memorizing them! I think this is probably the first stage of reading for her, but it's so neat to see how much she has learned in just 3 years. AND the WORDS that she knows...my goodness. The girl amazes me every day.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
I really don't know why I was worried about it. She loved them. Of course she loved them - she's my child - she loves Barbies, baby dolls and dressing up. (For now, that is - hopefully for a while, but we'll see).

Yes, I caught you Braeden. He loved it just as much as Izzy did. I think they ended up playing with these for close to an hour. Which anything longer than 10 minutes in this household is a pretty big deal.
So maybe next week we'll break out the rest of the barbies or even the dance costumes.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Dressing Up

I seriously could do an entire blog on the day to day outfits that Izzy decides she wants to wear. I told Chris yesterday that I don't even know why we bother buying her clothes. All she wants to wear these days are church dresses and princess dresses. This blue coat (princess dress to her) is a size 4 - a little too big still yet - but that's what she decided for yesterday's attire. It is like pulling teeth to even get her toTHINK about wearing pants.

This was the outfit of choice from today. Her grandmother, Ging - as she calls her, helped out with this one. At least the tights match the shoes and the purse matches the hat - right??? ugh.
I found this idea online the other day...

Very simple - but they really enjoyed it. Izzy was all about changing the the crayons out. And Braeden was typical boy - which worked out nicely for this activity. He kept grabbing the crayons while shaking and spinning them. I don't think he really knew he was doing the intention of the project, he was just "playing" with the crayons. But it looked great.
And Braeden's CHEESE face!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
A New Year and a New Job

I also really look forward to doing more things that I enjoy. I've learned how to start canning things with the help of my MawMaw.
Here are 15 jars of applesauce :)
Over the past 3 months or so I've also made peach jelly, canned peaches and canned pears.
I have literally worked since I was 15 years old. Yeah in the scheme of things this isn't really a whole lot of time. But in a way I feel like I've never slowed down long enough to really think about who I am. Staying home also grants me the time to talk to God, pray and seek his will for my life.