Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Stretching Time

Well, it's been a while!  For some reason, time flies by faster when I'm not working than when I was working.  I really didn't think it would be that way.  There is absolutely no way I can catch everyone up on the past three months.  So I will just take baby steps and let you know about last weekend ;)

We had a BIG weekend.  It started on Saturday with a trip to the Land of Oz on Beech Mountain as a celebration of one of our friend's birthdays.  We had an absolutely fabulous time.  You can check out pictures on my Facebook page - the pictures really tell a story, so I don't think me blogging about it would do it justice.  It was soooo fantastic.  I would highly recommend booking a private party there.  You find more info at www.emeraldmtn.com.  And we are so looking forward to attending our first Autumn at Oz this fall.  

We left Beech Mtn. at 2:00p.m. on Saturday and booooked it to Asheville as quick as we could for my cousin, Liz' wedding.  The kids slept the WHOLE way, they were exhausted.
Once we arrived to the hotel, we had t-minus 45 minutes to get ourselves and the kids all out of Dorothy/Lollipop Guild costumes and into more weddingish attire.

We didn't do too bad.... haha.  (It was quite stressful at the time)

The wedding was absolutely beautiful.

And so were the bride and groom.  Such a sweet couple!!!

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in downtown Asheville.  Beautiful hotel.  A lot of our extended family stayed there as well, so on Sunday morning we all met up and walked to Cracker Barrel across the street for breakfast.  It was so nice getting to spend a little bit of extra time with everyone. 

After breakfast, we had told the kids we would try to take a dip in the pool.  It was about 10:30 a.m. at this point and checkout was at 11:00....soo we begged for an extended checkout time.  They gave us until noon, which ended up being perfect.

Here is Izzy and I in the pool.  I wanted to showcase how there was an indoor and outdoor connected pool.  Very fun - the kids loved going back and forth AND back and forth AND back and forth.  haha.

Chris and both kids on the outside.  The wind was a little chilly!

Ging (my mom) and Braeden

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.  Here is me pushing the baggage out with two extra special pieces of baggage. ;)

Since Asheville is only about an hour to hour and a half from us, we decided to play around in Asheville for a little while before coming home.  My mom actually found a really cool farmer's market that we went to.  We found great prices on some peaches, corn and lots of other stuff that we didn't get.  WNC Farmers Market

We also went in search of thrift stores and flea markets and came across one small one that was offering face painting.  Neither of our kids have had their face painted before.  Izzy was intrigued.  She told the lady she wanted a flower and a butterfly, which the lady did on one side.  And for the other side Izzy said, "I want pants."  Lady, "Pants?  How about a pair of blue jeans....maybe with heart pockets?"  And Izzy said ok. 

Yes blue jeans with hearts for pockets.  So very random.  I am so confused as to why she didn't ask for a dress instead of pants.  But - hey - she was happy.

 The face painter suggested doing Braeden's hands instead of his face.  She said that typically kids his age will squirm when the paintbrush touches their face.  So he sat very still while she painted his hands.

He got a guitar to match his shirt on one hand and white music notes on the other hand. 
After another big morning, we ate some lunch and headed home. 

After all of our adventures is always nice to come home!!