Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Journey Home

Currently I am a full time employee for an awesome non-profit organization. I've been here for about three and a half years now, LEARNING everyday! I love my job and it's taken me a lot to get to where I am. AND - I have a family. I have a daughter, Izzy who will be 3 in January and a son, Braeden who will be 16 months sooner than I would like. Oh my goodness how much I love them! No one can really describe how much you will love your children until they are conceived, born and then you hold them for the first time. Its just a completely unfathomable LOVE. I also have an amazingly wonderful, supportive husband, Chris.
Needless to say, I am BLESSED.
I have battled for these 3 years whether to stay at home with my children. It's kind-of been an impossible goal, since Chris and I both have a mortgage, college loans and of course - credit card debt. So, finances have really just stood in our way of me even "thinking' about staying at home.
After an amazing bible study this summer of a book, "Lies Women Believe, and the Truth that Sets Them Free," I have struggled on and off with the decision to stay at home. I miss my children, but is this the right thing for them? Do I really think I can handle being at home ALL the time? What about money?!?! But listening to God, and really trusting him, has lead me to this decision - that we can do it. HE will make a way for us and HE will provide what we need. The line from this book that keeps me trusting that this is the right decision, is "there is no greater servitude from a woman, than to serve your family at home". I believe this is true and hope to live this each day.
I am scared, nervous and worried but also excited and joyous to take this Leap of Faith.....


  1. Yay! So glad you have decided to blog! I am so proud of you and admire your faith more than you will ever know! But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11: 6

  2. I just read your first post! What an exciting venture for you guys! I am so proud of you and your commitment to your family...even a little jealous! I love you guys and will be praying for your guys and your babies! Thank you for letting Chris and I be a part of your family! Lots of LOVE TO YOU!!!!!

  3. I am proud of you and you are right God will provide when your heart is in the right place <3

  4. Yay Breanna! I'm so excited for you guys! You can do it and yes, He will make a way for you and He will provide. I can tell you that we have never once regretted the decision to bring me home as a full time mom. God has provided everything we need, every step of the way. Our prayers are with you both. I'm excited you are blogging! I love to blog and miss it, hoping to get back in it soon. Love you!
