Well one thing that I've noticed these first couple days of being at home is how different my children are. Here is a picture of Izzy eating her lunch yesterday. She is ALL about NOT making a mess. And if she does get sticky, mess or gookeyness on her fingers - she freaks out! Literally freaks out until we get her clean.

My other child; however, wears it everywhere. Doesn't matter if it's on his face, his hands, in his hair - he could care less. As long as some gets in his mouth, he's happy.
We never had an issue with Izzy climbing things either. It seems as though boys must have a natural instinct to want to see what is at the top. And chairs are NOT meant for sitting. They are clearly made for standing, jumping, dancing, etc.
And lets mention the toilet. Yesterday Braeden discovered that you can lift the lid and put things in. We lost 2 bubble wands to the trash and were 2 seconds shy of losing the ipod - thankfully I got there quickly.
At the risk of embarassing my son one day - the one thing that my children have in common is dress up. When Izzy dresses up, Braeden has to dress up too. Here is Izzy wearing purple hair while Braeden rocks his blue hair - and a pink bracelet in his mouth. :)

Needless to say, I have not lacked for amusement these past 3 days.
It has all been worthwhile - this transition. Thursday morning Izzy made that very clear when after praying for her breakfast she prayed, "and thank you for letting mommy stay home with me today". - Broke my heart!!! and brought tears to my eyes!
And then today I was in the kitchen and I could hear Izzy singing in her room. I thought I could hear her singing the song that we had been practicing to learn a Bible verse, "Jesus is the Son of God - Acts 9:20" but I couldn't tell. When I got to her doorway she stopped singing and just mumbled and when I asked her to sing it for me again - she did. And it was totally what we had been learning since Tuesday.
On a side note - please keep my mom in your prayers this weekend. She will be having her gall bladder surgery on Monday morning in Charlotte. With any hospital stay comes anxiety so please remember her and our family. Love you all!!
Breanna, I am so glad you have enjoyed these days with your precious children! I remember being so amazed at the little things I learned about Riley after I quit work. I remember someone asking me if I was afraid I'd be board....Nope! Not one bit, never have been. I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to many more! Love you! Lyn
ReplyDeleteok so I am officialy hooked on reading about the new exciting things in the world of your family. This blog idea was awesome! I don't feel so far away anymore...and might i add how precious was her little prayer, brings tears to my eyes too!